
The Ballet Summer Festival returns to the Russian Army Theater

Опубликовано: 8 May 2021 в 03:17


Категории: News

In July 2021 the Ballet Summer Festival will return to Moscow. The performances will take place at the theater of the Russian Army from 14 to 17 July. The artists of the Moscow State Ballet will be happy to return to their favorite stage after being forced break and present to spectators the masterpieces of Russian classics . All performances of the Moscow State Ballet will be accompanied by live music performed by the Préféré Orchestra. 

During the festival, the hall of the theater of the Russian Army will host an exhibition of new works by the impressionist artist Mikhail Yusupov “P.Tchaikovsky and the Great Russian Ballerinas”.

Festival schedule:

July 14 – 19:00 – Romeo and Juliet;

July 15 – 19:00 – Giselle;

July 16 – 19:00 – The Nutcracker;

July 17 – 19:00 – Swan Lake.

The performances will take place at the address: Moscow, Suvorovskaya square, 2

Booking tickets on the website:

or by phone: +7 495 363-43-73

Trabajar para alcanzar los sueños.

Опубликовано: 11 March 2020 в 00:56


Категории: News

La compañía Moscow State Ballet presenta una versión en esta disciplina del cuento de hadas La Cenicienta, en su versión más tradicional.

30 personas participan en La Cenicienta. Fotos: Cortesía

En una escenografía saturada de color y música tradicional, el Moscow State Ballet presenta la versión original del ballet de La Cenicienta, bajo la dirección de Liudmila Titova, con 13 bailarines que transitan en 15 escenarios.

La propuesta de la directora es adentrar al público a lo más profundo de la historia original escrita en 1697 por Charles Perrault, y alejarse de las versiones de la industria del cine.

Llega la magia de La Cenicienta a CDMX

Опубликовано: 7 March 2020 в 01:15


Категории: News

La bailarina Liudmila Titova del Ballet de Moscú, describe lo que representa dar vida a un clásico.

Vivir de cerca la magia y la fantasía de una historia que ha marcado la vida de chicos y grandes es para la primera bailarina Liudmila Titova un sueño hecho realidad y eso es lo que quiere transmitir al público con su interpretación en La Cenicienta, espectáculo interpretado por el Moscow State Ballet que llegará a México el próximo sábado 23 de mayo.

La aclamada directora y primera bailarina habló en entrevista para El Sol de México, sobre esta reinvención del cuento clásico de Charles Perrault, que a través del ballet, los vestuarios y 15 diferentes escenarios regalará una experiencia especial para toda la familia, centrándose especialmente en las niñas pequeñas.

“Pensamos en que debe ser mágico, como un cuento de hadas, es como si estuvieras viendo una película de Disney. El mensaje que queremos dar es que los sueños se pueden volver realidad, pero que debes trabajar para que esto suceda“.

Sin duda, uno de los aspectos que más llaman la atención en este show son los vestuarios, todos diseñados para asombrar a los asistentes.

“Las prendas están confeccionadas en seda natural y los elementos de Swarovski los vuelven fabulosos. Queríamos mostrarle al mundo colores y brillo magníficos”.

Gracias a la calidad de este espectáculo musicalizado por Sergei Prokofiev, y a su enorme aceptación global, el Moscow State Ballet ha llevado su creación de La Cenicienta por todo el mundo, incluyendo países como Alemania, Dinamarca y Suecia, en Europa; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y Brasil en América; China y Corea del Sur en Asia; Israel, Los Emiratos y Turquía en el medio oriente.

En su gira 2020 por México, el espectáculo creado por Liudmila Titova, tendrá presentaciones durante dos semanas y media a través de diversas ciudades como Querétaro, Xalapa, Culiacán, San Luis Potosí y Morelia.

Artículo original:

Cinderella goes to Mexico for the first time!

Опубликовано: 4 March 2020 в 01:06


Категории: News

Moscow State Ballet will be in Mexico from May 15 to May 30. First time viewers will  see “Cinderella” in the original production of young choreographers Gaidukova and Matulevsky.

Cinderella – our new premiere!

Опубликовано: 1 October 2019 в 00:25


Категории: News

November 23 at 12.00 in the Moscow cultural center “ZIL” will take place the premiere of ballet “Cinderella” in the original production and choreography by  Sofya  Gaidukova and Constantine Matulevsky.

ЗолушкаBallet in two acts

Production and choreography: Sofya Gaidukova, Konstantin Matulevsky

Libretto: Sophia Gaidukova, Konstantin Matulevsky based on the tale of the same name by Charles Perrault

Music: Sergey Prokofiev

Costume design: Olga Titova

Scenic design: Yuri Samodurov

Age: 0+

Duration: 2 h 15 min (with one interval)

About the performance

Moscow State Ballet Theatre, founded in 2016, headed by Lyudmila Titova has already won the love of the audience in Russia and around the world. Each year, a young and ambitious team consisting of graduates of the best choreographic schools of our country releases a new performance in collaboration with famous choreographers. The premiere of this season is the two-act ballet Cinderella to the music of S. Prokofiev based on the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault. The original libretto and staging is the result of the joint work of Sofya Gaidukova and Konstantin Matulevsky, both laureates of Russian and foreign competitions.

ЗолушкаThe curtain rises, and the viewer is inside a magic book, literally and figuratively. The voluminous scenery and props create an illusion of a fantasy world. Flying out of children’s cards, paper pictures come to life, turning into characters that inhabit the fairy kingdom, where citizens love and know how to dance. The King, of course, dances best. He is happy to teach his people. The clumsy, lazy sisters Zlyuka and Krivlyaka, headed by their Stepmother, can not succeed, despite their huge conceit. Stupidity and malignity prevent them from gliding elegantly around the ballroom. The modest and hardworking Cinderella, on the contrary, grasps everything quickly. Her dance conquers the Prince. The fatal striking of the clock dispels the charms of the good Fairy-godmother, the carriage turns into a pumpkin, but the charm of innocence, simplicity, unprecedented at court, remains domineering over the heart of the young prince, forcing him to go in search of his beloved.

ЗолушкаThe performance is based on neoclassical choreography, where traditional ballet steps alternate with unexpected breaks in the body, with free plasticity inherent in modern dance. This style allows to most fully convey the atmosphere of a fairy kingdom.

Cinderella by S. Gaidukova and K. Matulevsky is a colorful, funny, vivid performance, full of humor embedded in the music of S. Prokofiev. The ballet will bring a lot of joy to both the smallest spectators and their parents, because almost every adult is a child inside who sometimes really wants to believe in a good fairy tale for at least a couple of hours.

Z Moskvy pritancuje nový Luskáčik

Опубликовано: 28 September 2019 в 16:19


Категории: News

Počas štyroch večerov si diváci budú môcť...

Počas štyroch večerov si diváci budú môcť vychutnať Labutie jazero, Luskáčika, Šípkovú Ruženku a Rómea a Júliu v podaní slávneho ruského baletu. Autor: SHOW SLOVAKIA

Je to už viac ako sto rokov, čo Sergej Ďagilev, impresário (dnes by sme ho nazvali manažér) a mág ruského baletu, priviezol do Paríža slávnych moskovských a petrohradských umelcov.

Na začiatku minulého storočia boli francúzsko-ruské kultúrne vzťahy veľmi silné, ruskí hudobníci, výtvarníci a tanečníci boli inšpiráciou pre francúzskych umelcov a mnohí sa v Paríži usadili natrvalo. Obe kultúry sa veľmi zbližovali a výsledkom boli aj tzv. Ruské sezóny, ktoré už v roku 1907 začal Sergej Ďagilev organizovať.

Najkrajšie ruské balety v Bratislave (The best Russian ballets in Bratislava)

Опубликовано: 28 September 2019 в 16:01


Категории: News

From October 17 to October 20, the festival of Russian Classical Ballet will take place in the capital of Slovakia.

Artists of the Moscow State Ballet Theater will come to Bratislava for the first time, where they will perform the best performances from their repertoire. The festival will take place within the framework of the large project “Russian Seasons”, organized by SHOW SLOVAKIA, a well-known company in the Slovak show business market. Continuing the tradition founded by Sergei Diaghilev more than a hundred years ago, SHOW SLOVAKIA will present to the attention of Bratislava spectators performances of the best representatives of Russian art.

Festival Schedule:
October 17 – Swan Lake
October 18 – Romeo and Juliet
October 19 – The Nutcracker
October 20 – Sleeping Beauty

Slovak newspaper “Pravda” about the festival

balet, ruský balet

Od roku 1906 do 1929 sa v Paríži pravidelne konala Ruská sezóna.

Prvú inicioval slávny baletný umelec Sergej Ďagilev. Šlo o sériu európskych turné najlepších ruských umelcov. Dnes po 90 rokoch Show Slovakia obnovuje Ruskú sezónu, a to podľa Ďagilevovho vzoru tiež s baletom. Ruská sezóna sa začne Festivalom ruského klasického baletu. Budú to predstavenia Moskovského štátneho baletu, divadla zameraného na klasický balet, kde je primabalerínou Ľudmila Titova, absolventka Akadémie moskovského Veľkého divadla (Boľšoj teatr). Táto primabalerína sa stala jednou z hrdiniek dokumentu Symboly ruského baletu. Toto divadlo pokračuje v tradícii ruskej školy klasického baletu, čo znamená dôraz na emócie, vyjadrenie vnútorných pocitov tancom. Súbor divadla tvoria absolventi najlepších choreografických škôl v Rusku, ktorí nielen dobre tancujú, ale sú aj vynikajúci herci. Hosťujú poprední sólisti Veľkého divadla a petrohradského Mariinského divadla.

V Bratislave teda diváci počas štyroch októbrových dní majú šancu vidieť štyri svetoznáme baletné predstavenia: 17. októbra uvedú Labutie jazero, najslávnejší balet Petra Iľjiča Čajkovského. Premiéru mal 4. marca 1877 práve na javisku Veľkého divadla v Moskve. 18. októbra nasleduje balet Sergeja Sergejeviča Prokofieva Romeo a Júlia. Zaujímavé je, že premiéra baletu v skrátenej verzii sa uskutočnila v roku 1938 v Brne, celý balet bol prvýkrát predstavený v Mariinskom divadle v Petrohrade v roku 1940. 19. októbra je na programe ďalší Čajkovského balet – Luskáčik. Ten mal premiéru 18. decembra 1892 v Mariinskom divadle v Petrohrade. Festival uzavrie 20. októbra Šípková Ruženka, tretí Čajkovského balet. Premiéru mal 3. januára 1890 v petroh­radskom Mariinskom divadle a časom sa dostal medzi popredné svetové balety. Kto si nechce dať ujsť žiadne zo štyroch vystúpení, môže využiť permanentku. Pri kúpe vstupeniek na tri večery v rovnakej cenovej kategórii bude vstupenka na štvrté predstavenie zadarmo.


Ballet as a symbol of friendship between China and Russia

Опубликовано: 28 September 2019 в 14:47


Категории: News

The new season 2019-2020 “Moscow State Ballet” opened in China. Ludmila Titova came to the Chine for the first time, at the invitation of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Yunnan Province. The performance of Russian artists was timed to coincide with the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, as well as the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Moscow, which to this day remains the main ally of the country with one and a half billion people. The main anniversary celebrations will be held in Beijing on October 1.

On September 7 and 8, 2019, at the Yunnan Grand Theater in Kunming, the Moscow State Ballet showed Chinese viewers not the traditional Swan Lake, but Prokofiev’s drum ballet Romeo and Juliet. In the professional environment, there is a belief that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire do not want to watch anything other than “swans”. The Moscow State Ballet destroyed stereotypes: with bated breath, the audience watched the play of artists who not only masterfully performed the set jumps and pirouettes, but lived their roles. Both performances were with a huge success.


Moscow State Ballet to visit Korea for the first time!

Опубликовано: 6 May 2019 в 01:23


Категории: News

At the end of May 2019, dancers of the Moscow State Ballet Theater will first set foot on the shores of the South Sea. Korean viewers will see the unsurpassed classics, “Swan Lake” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. Residents of the following three Korean cities will have an opportunity to enjoy the beauty and grace of Russian ballerinas:

-Suncheon (Suncheon), Suncheon Culture & Arts Center — 30 May;

-Gimhae (Gimhae), Gimhae Culture Center — 31 May;

-Icheon (Icheon), Incheon Arts Hall — 1 June.

This small tour is just the beginning of our way eastwards. We look forward to a warm welcome and continued fruitful cooperation with our Korean friends, so that next time we can come to more cities and show new performances, presenting the masterpieces of Russian art and getting acquainted with the ancient and distinctive culture of this country.

Classico intramontabile: “Il lago dei cigni” al Teatro Goldoni“

Опубликовано: 26 December 2018 в 04:48


Категории: News

Il lago dei cigni al teatro Goldoni di Venezia, 26 dicembre 2018 Eventi a Venezia

Il lago dei cigni, il grande classico della tradizione ballettistica, rivive a Venezia con il prestigioso ensemble del Moscow State Classical Ballet in un doppio appuntamento. L’immancabile evento di Santo Stefano, che il Teatro Goldoni ogni anno propone alla città e ai suoi visitatori, per questo Natale va in scena sulle note di Čajkovskij con alcune delle straordinarie stelle della danza classica russa: i Russian Stars, artisti eclettici, formati in patria e scelti accuratamente dalla maestra, étoile e produttrice Liudmila Titova, che per l’occasione sarà loro capofila sul palcoscenico ad impreziosire il cast con la sua presenza magnetica.

Ballet on two continents

Опубликовано: 25 November 2018 в 05:12


Категории: News

На данном изображении может находиться: на улицеIn this December Moscow State Ballet gives  Christmas fairy tale “The Nutcracker ” to audience of two  countries at one time: North America  and Europe. Lyudmila Titova brought the ballet to the sunny country, known for sombrero and tequila for the first time. The tour will run from November 25 to December 12. Artists will perform in cities such as Mexico City, Taluka, Guadalajara and others.

On November 14 started big European tour  around  cities of Germany and Italy, which will last until February 11. In addition to “The Nutcracker”, residents of these countries will see the best masterpieces of Russian ballet – Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty. We are waiting for you at our performances at Roma, Berlin, Venice, Firenze and other cities!

Moscow State Ballet by Liudmila Titova presento el “Lago de los Cisnes”

Опубликовано: 4 November 2018 в 13:54


Категории: News

Los Mochis, Ahome, Sinaloa; Miércoles 31 de Octubre de 2018.

31-10-18 Moscow State Ballet Lago de Los Cisnes 44

Una historia de amor, traición y triunfo del bien sobre el mal.

Con doble presentación el escenario del Teatro Ingenio se vistió de gala para recibir a la Compañía Moscow State Ballet by Liudmila Titova; quién presento este Miércoles 31 de Octubre en punto de las 20:00 horas El Lago de los Cisnes, una historia de amor, traición y triunfo del bien sobre el mal.

Flashmob “Symbols of Russian Ballet” in Zariadye

Опубликовано: 23 August 2018 в 01:39


Категории: News

August 22, “Moscow State Ballet” held a flashmob “Symbols of Russian Ballet”, timed to the Day of the National Flag of the Russian Federation. The artists of ballet performed fragment from the ballet “Swan Lake” by P.I. Tchaikovsky against the backdrop of the Kremlin.

The theater thanks the administration of the Zaryadie Park for the provided stage.

Ballet Summer Festival — bright start, honored guests and ambitious plans

Опубликовано: 11 July 2018 в 03:53


Категории: News

On July 6, the Ballet Summer Festival in Mayakovsky Theater was completed with the Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with great success. In spite of the Football World Cup, in the past two days the tickets were sold out. Thunderous applause, spectators shouting “Bravo!”— the audience welcomed warmly the dancers and soloists who introduced them to the beauty, bright feelings and belief in fairy tale, albeit for a brief moment. High quality original sets, bright sparky tutus, dresses and jerkins designed by Gabu Media Unique costume atelier helped create the illusion of an enchanted lake, king’s palace and a snowy forest.